Hainan's first online English news audio program "The Voice of Hainan" started trial

南海網(wǎng)“This is Hainan”英文頻道英語音頻新聞節(jié)目《海南之聲》(第1期)

This is the Voice of Hainan, from hinews.cn


Global Fintech Innovation Summit Held in Haikou

On January 8th, the Global Fintech Innovation Summit was held in Haikou, Hainan Province. Many famous international and domestic investors attended the summit, explored the development of finance industry in China and foreign countries, blockchain technology, cross-border e-commerce and other hot spots.


Jim Rogers, the Wall Street Legendary investor in the United States, shared his topic “How Can Digital Economy Empower the Real Economy” at the summit,and expressed his great expectations for Hainan, which might be able to be "the Silicon Valley of China".


Huge Drive to Promote Foreign Language Proficiency in Hainan by 2025

On December 29th, the government announced an action plan for the comprehensive improvement of foreign language levels in Hainan Province. Improving the levels of English, Russian, Korean, French and Japanese for cross cultural communication is seen as a key driver in the establishment of Hainan as a free trade pilot zone and a Free Trade port.


Haikou's Intl Art Week Promotes Global Cooperation

on Jan 8, the opening ceremony for 30+ International Art and Design Week was held at the Haikou Citizen and Visitor Center.The event was divided into three parts: four exhibitions, 10 forums and a trade fair. The 15-day exhibitions opened to the public on Jan 9.


策劃:陳書煥 葉海聲

Responsible editor: 胥圣蘭
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