Sanya and Cannes to boost exchanges and cooperation

The city of Sanya in South China's Hainan province is seeking to boost ties and cooperation with Cannes in southern France as Mayor A Dong signed a memorandum of cooperation with his Cannes counterpart David Lisnard on Oct 13.  

Cannes is known as a holiday destination and is particularly famous for its yearly Cannes Film Festival where new international movies of all genres are shown and judged.   

According to the memorandum, the two cities will work to boost people-to-people ties and enhance cooperation in the fields of culture, festivals, education, and the movie industry. 

In terms of cultural cooperation, the two cities will send delegations to participate in their respective events, such as the International Cultural Industry Expo held in Sanya at the end of each year and the photo exhibition held at the Traverso Cinema in Cannes.

People will also be sent by Cannes to take part in Sanya events, such as the Carnival of Hainan China, Hainan Rendez-Vous, and music festivals, while the French city will receive Sanya tourists for fireworks shows and music festivals in Cannes.

In terms of the movie industry, the two sides will enhance cooperation in filming and post production at film bases. Students exchange activities will also be organized to boost ties in the education sector.

Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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