Hainan International Tourism Consumption Year | A unique Hainan with marine legends

With rich and diverse cultural resources, Hainan boasts many human elements with distinctive local characteristics, apart from the features of oriental traditional culture. Ethnic customs, marine culture and historical stories in Qiongzhou are just like the numerous cultural pearls scattered all over the island or preserved in the museum, which highlight the context of Hainan island culture.

Visitors can go deep into the hinterland of the rainforest valley to explore the ethnic imprint of the Li and Miao compatriots, or wander along the old streets to experience the culture of Nanyang, and also can go fishing at a remote port or village.

 A unique Hainan with marine legends

Tanmen town in Qionghai.

As the province with the largest ocean area in the country, Hainan boasts rich and unique marine cultural resources, both in terms of historical heritage and folk traditions.

At Tanmen town in Qionghai city which is soaked by the sea breeze, people are always happy to stay here. Here, visitors can listen to the story of the "Zuzong(ancestral) Sea" told by the old captain, and enjoy the delicious dinner with kinds of seafoods from the far sea. They can also follow the local fishermen to "go beachcombing" and find the natural gifts as well as experience the ocean charm.

Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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