S. Chinese city introduces nation's 1st local regulation on gulf-chief mechanism

HAIKOU, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's first local regulation on the "gulf chief" mechanism will take effect on Nov. 1 in Haikou, capital of southern island province of Hainan, according to the municipal people's congress.

Since Haikou was listed among the first batch of cities to pilot the gulf-chief mechanism, the city has made great efforts on marine ecology protection and marine resource utilization, and enhanced supervision and punishment, said Xie Tian, director of the city's gulf-chief mechanism office.

The legislation of the gulf-chief mechanism mainly solves the problems in innovative management and protection, aiming to establish a long-term mechanism based on the pilot experience and practices, said Lin Mingsheng, deputy director of the legislative affairs commission of the municipal people's congress.

The regulation classifies gulf chiefs under three ranks in accordance with different administrative levels. To date, Haikou has appointed 40 gulf chiefs to supervise and protect the coastline areas.

Haikou has 172.7 km of coastline and governs a sea area of 830 square km.

Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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