Rheinland-Pfalz eyes deeper cooperation with Hainan

There are great opportunities lying in the cooperation between Rheinland-Pfalz and China's Hainan province, according to Volker Wissing,  deputy minister-president  of Germany's Rheinland-Pfalz, who attended a business promotion fair between Hainan and the German state in Haikou on Oct 18.

The deputy governor expressed strong willingness to deepen cooperation between Hainan and Rheinland-Pfalz.

According to Wissing, there are great opportunities for bilateral cooperation against the backdrop of the construction of the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone, the operation of direct air routes between Frankfurt-Hahn Airport and Sanya Phoenix International Airport, as well as the establishment of a sister city relationship between Hainan and Rheinland-Pfalz. 

In August 2017, HNA Group acquired Frankfurt-Hahn Airport which focuses on aviation services and the development of the airport industry. Direct flights from the airport to Sanya are scheduled to open in March next year.

The opening of direct flights will be a good start, and will play an important role in promoting the development of the tourism industry and exchanges between the two places, said Wissing, noting that many German tourists will come to Hainan to explore the beautiful Chinese island.

In recent years, Hainan and Rheinland-Pfalz have been in active economic and trade relations. Hainan's main export commodities to Germany are transformers, tilapia, coffee, and medicine, while the Chinese province mainly imported commodities like aircrafts, engines, and wood pulp from Rheinland-Pfalz. 

Germany-funded enterprises in Hainan are mainly engaged in industries like scientific research and technical services, accommodation and catering, manufacturing, as well as education.

Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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