Haikou ?Ho Chi Minh City flight route opened

In the early morning of October 28, with the arrival of Vietnam Airlines' VN688 flight to Haikou Meilan International Airport, the direct flight route of Haikou ? Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam was officially opened. It is reported that the route is the seventh international route that newly opened at Meilan International Airport this year.

Hainan Wenhua Air Travel Co., Ltd.,operates the Haikou ? Ho Chi Minh City flight route,using the airplane model of A321. The flight takes off from Ho Chi Minh City on every Thursday and Sunday at 22:45, and lands at 1:45 on the next day. It departs from Haikou at 2:45 on Mondays and Fridays and lands in Ho Chi Minh City at 3:55. All of the above refer to local time.

After the opening of the route, the Department of Haikou Tourism, Culture Radio and Television Sports held a Haikou Promotion Conference to introduce Haikou's rich tourism resources to travel agents and media from Ho Chi Minh City.

It is informed that a delegation consisting of 38 travel agents from Ho Chi Minh City will conduct a five-day trip to Hainan. The itinerary covers Haikou, Sanya and other places.

Responsible editor: 丁昕
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