Hainan International Tourism Island Carnival to stage lavish festivities

The scene of the 2018 Wanning International Surfing Competition. (Photo from the internet)

On October 29, according to the Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports, the 20th Hainan International Tourism Island Carnival with Haikou main venue and five sub-venues, will offer a festive feast integrating culture, tourism, events and festivities.

The main venue city Haikou will stage the 2019 Hainan Strawberry Music Festival from Nov 23 to 24, a concert by Priscilla Chan Wai-han on Nov 23 and the New Year concert on Dec 31, as well as some tourism promotion activities, to attract people to participate and enhance Hainan’s global exposure.

The sub-venue city Sanya will hold 7 festival exhibitions and sports events, including Haitian Shengyan-2019 10th China Yacht, Aviation and Fashion Lifestyle Exhibition and the 9th Sanya International Mr. Bodybuilding & Miss Bikini Contest. In November, Sanya will also stage a series of activities on Guinness World Records, the 23rd China(Sanya) International Wedding Festival at Tianya Haijiao. In December, the 4th Sanya International Fashion Week, the 20th Tropical Island (Sanya) International Tourism Food Festival and the 3rd Sanya International Music Festival will be held.

The scene of 2018 China (Danzhou) International Marathon. (Photo from the internet)

The sub-venue city Danzhou will hold special brand festival events, such as the 7th Hainan (Danzhou) Cigar Culture Tourism Festival, which will guide visitors to experience the local customs of Danzhou. The Hainan(Danzhou) International Marathon will be held on December 22nd, which features the integration of sports, culture and tourism.

The sub-venue city Qionghai will stage the Hainan Guantang First Hot Spring Culture Tourism Festival from November to December. Meanwhile, a series of cultural travel consumption activities will be launched to show Qionghai's tourism resources and tourism consumption environment. In addition, the Boao International Summit on Beautiful Countryside will be held in from December 10 to 14, to showcase the achievements of beautiful rural construction and promote international exchange and cooperation in leisure agriculture and rural tourism.

The sub-venue city Wanning will stage the 2019 International Professional Boxing Champion, the 2019 International Marathon and the 10th International Surfing Competition.

The sub-venue city Lingshui will stage the 5th Yahang Shengshi International Yacht Expo, the award ceremony of the 2019 Lingshui Tourism Product Creative Design Competition, and the 2nd Qingshui Bay Maritime Art Festival.

Responsible editor: 陳書敏
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